Meet Tiffany

Wife, mom, believer & creative with a passion for bright, airy, romantic images; focused on a relationship driven client experience!




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Indian Shores Beach Family Session | The Taylor’s


I’d like for you to meet some of our favorite people! The Taylor’s are some of our best friends!

Both Jon and Micah were groomsmen in each other’s weddings, Micah and Crystal were one of the very first couple’s Jon wanted me to meet when we started dating. He said, they had to approve of and love me before we could get married…haha well maybe he didn’t say that exactly that, but their approval was very important to him, they are those type of important friends. I loved them as soon as I met them! Now, 6 years later, after always living at least an hour and a half away from each other, we still make it a point to get together every other month!

One of the coolest things we’ve gotten to experience together is pregnancy! Crystal and I were 5 weeks apart with the twins (Courtney and McKenzie) and Landon, then the girls ended up arriving early and Landon was born 10 days after!! So when we have family date day’s, it’s a blast to see what the babies have learned since the last time we got together! The milestones they hit are always so close together, it’s the coolest thing!!

Every year, they stay in a condo on the beach for a week and we get to visit them for a day or two! This year ended up being the perfect time for some updated family photos. They are the literally the cutest ever!!! We love you Taylor family, blessed to call you friends! And Courtney and McKenzie, you girls will always be our favorite twins!! <3 Here’s a ton of favorites from their family session on Indian Shores!!

Aren’t they adorable?!

Hugs, Tiff