Meet Tiffany

Wife, mom, believer & creative with a passion for bright, airy, romantic images; focused on a relationship driven client experience!




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Seminole Lake Park Proposal | Kellie + Stephen


Friends!! Kellie and Stephen’s proposal was so incredibly special to us. We’ve known Kellie a few years now thanks to her sister, Ashleigh, booking us for her own wedding in 2018! We remember at the wedding, Kellie and Stephen were dating, so when Stephen reached out a year later, we were ecstatic to be a part of their soon to be marriage story. A few weeks prior to the big day, Stephen, Ashleigh, (Kellie’s sister) and I met at Starbucks to plan out his perfect proposal! Stephen chose Seminole Lake Park because it was a place they often went on walks while they were dating. Love that he chose somewhere that meant something to them. We met with Stephen one more time before the proposal, at the park, so we could map out the most strategic place for him to pop the question and where Jon and I could also be hidden! After that, everything was set to go, we just had to wait for the special day.

On the day of the proposal, my husband Jon and I dressed up as joggers so we could easily blend in, just in case she happened to spot us. We sat at a picnic table one pavilion over while we waited for them to pull up. Then, once the started taking a walk the opposite way, we darted to the pavilion we had to be under in order to hide behind the picnic tables and concrete pillars! Once we saw them headed to the spot, we started snapping away!

After swinging on a park swing, Stephen pulled Kellie’s hand and led her to where he got down on one knee to ask her the question she’s known the answer to for a very long time. YES!!! She said yes! Kellie was excited and overwhelmed with emotions, it was such an incredible moment. Soon after, Stephen pointed us out and we got to celebrate them while taking some beautiful portraits before they went off to Kellie’s second surprise of the day. Stephen had planned a party with all her friends and family to celebrate the proposal and she had no idea! It was such a memorable day and we are so thankful to be apart of their journey! We can’t wait to photograph their wedding this August!

This is when he pointed us out!!