Meet Tiffany

Wife, mom, believer & creative with a passion for bright, airy, romantic images; focused on a relationship driven client experience!




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Downtown Charleston, SC Engagement | Brittany + Taylor


These two cuties met each other in High School and are now getting married!! One thing about them that made my heart so happy is that they started dating the same day Jon and I got married, 5+ years ago! We were definitely meant to meet them! When I first talked to Brittany on the phone, she sounded sweet as pie and I knew we would get along. On Friday evening, Jon and I met her and Taylor in person while in Charleston and she was even sweeter than I imagined!

Both Brittany and Taylor had a great sense of humor! They were SO joyful the entire session, you’ll without a doubt be able to tell through the photos just how much they adore each other! We had the best time finding pretty buildings/home fronts that coordinated with their outfits (which were totally on point!!), while walking down East Bay street. The light was beautiful and they even had multiple photo bombers, one guy flew in front of them with his arms back like an airplane, and two amazon delivery people stopped their van for a photo while I was across the street from B+T! It was quite hilarious!! I included them at the bottom for your enjoyment! I’m so thrilled to show you some of my top favorites from their session last week!

Behind the scenes photos below! SO funny!

Hugs, Tiff